Wednesday 13 March 2013

Lesson 4.3 How Blockbusters led to rise of Multiplexes

Create Meaning: How did the Blockbuster affect Production, Distribution & Exhibition?
Expert groups:
  1. Cinema Attendance 1972-1980 why was this? (Economic, Social reasons?)
  2. Production Technologies (Star Wars) & the Big Screen Experience
  3. Distribution - The Event Movie hype (marketing budgets)
  4. Box Office numbers of the early Blockbusters (exhibition)  
Carousel: Each expert team to share their information to prepare highlight the key points - create this as a Mind Map around the question  

Then Mentor teams of 4 attempt an answer to the question C, B & then A

Present this as a group mind map of 6 responses/reasons & effects - photograph & mind map

Check learning - give reasons

New Information: The Rise of The Multiplex

In Mentor teams share the 2 videos (1 each & put together expert team, main points)
What are the reasons for the rise of the multiplex? 

Create Meaning:
  • Technology (cinema technologies/special effects)
  • Social (Leisure patterns, choice of films)
  • Economic (piracy, home video, blockbusters etc)

Apply to demonstrate 
Answer the question as an exam response:
"Why did the rise of the blockbuster cause to the decline of 'fleapit cinemas' and the emergence of Multiplex - give reasons"

Mark your response

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